Welcome to White's Nursery
2025 plant inventories have been updated and posted under the Inventory Tab!
Spring 2025 Opening Day - Friday, April 4
Closed on Sunday's and Monday's
Spring 2025 hours of operation: Friday's & Saturday's, 9 am to 5 pm
Visit's to the nursery on Tuesday to Thursday are by appointment only!
Please call Mike on 301 788-3293 to make an appointment
Payment can be made via cash, check or Venmo
Sorry, no credit cards & we do not ship plants!
Exciting news from White's Nursery!
Mike was invited to be a guest on Martha Stewart's Garden show currently streaming on Roku. Below is a link to the segment on azaleas which is just after the Hosta segment.
Mike was invited to be a guest on Martha Stewart's Garden show currently streaming on Roku. Below is a link to the segment on azaleas which is just after the Hosta segment.
Specializing in Azaleas and Rhododendrons
Member of the American Azalea Society & American Rhododendron Society

Mike and Deb White
22531 Wildcat Road
Germantown, Maryland 20876
301 788 3293 or 301 471 5958
White's Nursery has over 350 varieties of evergreen azaleas such as Glenn Dale, Bowie Mill, Satsuki, Robin Hill and many others. In addition, there is a wide selection of deciduous and native azaleas such as Calendulaceum (Flame), Chop Tank (Atlanticum), Great Balls of Fire, Lemon Drop, Red Pepper and some fragrant varieties. Rhododendrons are a newer interest of White's Nursery and each year our stock increases with great hardy varieties. All plants are grown here in Germantown, MD. You can view our latest inventory list by going to the inventory tab. Click the more tab above and then pictures to view pictures of many of our varieties.